もともと茶毛だったのが、同級生から妬まれ目をつけられるようになった。まわりの不良は髪の毛染めると坊主にさせられてた。なぜ『おまえだけ坊主になれへんねん』みたいな💢 感じでメンチ切られるのもしばしば。
I originally had brown hair, but now my classmates are jealous and scrutinize me. When the other delinquents dyed their hair, they were forced to shave it. I was often given nasty looks like, “Why are you the only one who can’t shave your head?”
I’ve been on the basketball team since I was in the first year of middle school, but I was far from being a regular player, so I wasn’t jealous of my classmates who were all screaming for me, and I frequently skipped the club. Every time I skipped a day, my classmates would come to my house to call me, which was really annoying. It’s 4 o’clock here, so I’m going to have a nice, relaxing time!